Numerology Number 8 is a significant and influential number that represents success, authority, and material abundance. It is associated with the planet Saturn, which is known for its qualities of discipline, hard work, and determination. In numerology, the number 8 is considered to be a powerful number that carries the vibrations of all the other numbers from 1 to 7, making it a number of completeness and balance.

What really Number 8 is all about?

In numerology, the number 8 is governed by the planet Saturn (Shani). Individuals born on the 8th, 17th (1+7 = 8), or 26th (2+6 = 8) of any month are considered to be under the influence of Saturn. Number 8 people embody the qualities associated with this planet. Saturn maintains friendly relationships with Venus, Mercury, Rahu, and Ketu, while it is antagonistic towards the Sun and Mars.

Characteristics of Numerology Number 8

People born under the influence of Number 8 are often seen as natural leaders and are highly respected for their ability to make sound decisions and achieve their goals. They have a strong sense of ambition and are willing to work tirelessly to reach their objectives. Number 8 individuals are also known for their practicality and financial acumen, making them well-suited for careers in business, finance, and management.

Quick Info

  • It is believed that those born under the influence of Number 8 are blessed with the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success through hard work and perseverance.
  • The number 8 is also considered to be a number of balance, as it represents the balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

Strengths of Number 8

  1. Diligent and tenacious nature: Number 8 individuals are hardworking and persistent in their pursuits.
  2. Possess a well-balanced and decisive mindset: They have a stable and clear-headed approach to decision-making.
  3. Maintain a philosophical perspective on life: Number 8 people have a deep understanding and outlook on life.
  4. Exhibit a resilient spirit: They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks and face challenges head-on.
  5. Driven to achieve success: Number 8 individuals are highly motivated to reach their goals and attain success.
  6. Strong desire for financial stability and influence: They have a keen interest in achieving financial security and power.

Challenges of Number 8

  1. May display rigidity in their thought processes: Number 8 people can sometimes be inflexible in their thinking.
  2. Can exhibit domineering behavior: They may have a tendency to control or dominate others.
  3. Might be perceived as condescending and judgmental at times: Their strong opinions can come across as superior or critical.
  4. Intense focus on financial success can lead to a temperamental disposition: Their drive for financial gain can cause emotional instability.
  5. May struggle with interpersonal relationships due to their strong personalities: Number 8 individuals’ assertive nature can create challenges in personal connections.

Love & Relationship

When it comes to love, people born under the number 8 are very protective and caring toward those they love. They put family first and make loyal, trustworthy friends. However, their demanding careers and pursuit of financial success may occasionally cause them to inadvertently neglect their partner’s needs. They want a person who can provide them with admiration, affection, and unwavering support in their endeavors.


Number 8 people do well in jobs that have to do with medicine, business, and the law. Because they can make great decisions and handle complicated situations easily, they are great at jobs like stock traders, developers, start-up founders, and business leaders. They are very good with money and are always trying to get ahead and be more successful in the fields they choose.

Lucky Colour

People born under the number 8 are lucky with the colors black, dark blue, gray, and purple. Using these colors in their clothes, home decor, and items can help them get lucky and feel good.


Those born under the influence of Number 8 are ruled by the planet Saturn, and their lucky gemstone is blue sapphire. If blue sapphire proves unsuitable, they can consider alternatives such as blue aquamarine or lapis lazuli.

It is advisable to wear the gemstone on a Saturday, set in silver, while offering prayers to Lord Shani. Number 8 individuals can also benefit from adorning a Navratna ornament, which encompasses all nine auspicious gems.


Numerology Number 8 wields significant influence over the personality, relationships, and professional trajectories of those born under its sway. While Number 8 individuals boast admirable traits such as determination, resilience, and a philosophical outlook, they may encounter challenges in maintaining a harmonious work-life balance and nurturing interpersonal connections. 

By harnessing their strengths, addressing their weaknesses, and embracing the guidance of numerology, those with Number 8 can pave the way for a life of prosperity, fulfillment, and personal growth.

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