Rohini Nakshatra is an important part of Vedic astrology. It’s a lunar mansion (a specific area of the sky) that starts at 10 degrees of Taurus and ends at 23 degrees and 20 minutes of the same sign.

Rohini is special because it’s ruled by Kamadhenu, a heavenly cow, and the Moon. These cosmic powers are believed to give people born under Rohini some unique qualities. They tend to be caring and nurturing, appreciate beauty and the arts, and have a strong connection with the physical world around them.

So, if you’re born under Rohini Nakshatra, you might find that you have a gentle, loving nature and enjoy taking care of others. You probably have a creative side and find joy in artistic pursuits. And you likely feel a deep sense of groundedness and enjoy the pleasures and comforts of the material world.

Quick Info

  • Natives of Rohini nakshatra must learn to recognise that true happiness comes from inside and learn to manage their love of luxury with a feeling of isolation.
  • Rohini natives are known for their charm and possess a magnetic personality and charisma making them a natural leader having strong leadership attributes.
  • The Moon and the Venus, both act as a ruler and oversees Rohini Nakshatra.

Characteristics of Rohini Nakshatra Natives

Those born under the star of Rohini are known for their charm, grace, and innate ability to create harmony in their surroundings. They possess a magnetic personality that draws others to them, making them natural leaders and influencers. Rohini natives have a keen eye for beauty and a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, often excelling in fields related to art, music, fashion, and design.

However, the strong desire for material comforts can sometimes lead Rohini individuals to become overly attached to worldly possessions. They must learn to balance their love for luxury with a sense of detachment, understanding that true happiness comes from within.

Planetary Associates and Their Influence

The Moon, which rules over Rohini Nakshatra, plays a significant role in shaping the emotional landscape of those born under this star. The lunar influence heightens their sensitivity, intuition, and ability to nurture others. Rohini natives often have a strong maternal instinct, making them excellent caregivers and supportive partners.


Venus, the planet of love and beauty, also holds sway over Rohini Nakshatra. This planetary association enhances the artistic talents and aesthetic sensibilities of Rohini individuals. They have a natural flair for creating visually appealing spaces and expressions, be it through art, fashion, or interior design.

Different Padas of Rohini:

  1. First Pada of Rohini: The first Pada 10°00-13°20 Taurus falls in Aries Navamsa and the ruler is Mars. It has the fiery qualities and passion of Mars which signifies the indulgent side of an individual.
  2. Second Pada of Rohini: The second Pada of 13°20 – 16°40 Taurus, falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by the planet Venus. This is the best expression of the energy of Venus and all of that it represents. Its focus is on the materialistic side of life and granting fulfilment of desires.
  3. Third Pada of Rohini: The third Pada 16°40 to 20°00 Taurus falls in Gemini navamsa and reflects on the most cheerful and playful side of this nakshatra.It blends in with the airy element of Gemini and does well on intellectual terms. Flirtatious, clever, intellectual, and fun-loving.
  4. Fourth Pada of Rohini: The fourth Pada 20°00- 23°20 Taurus falls in Cancer Navamsa which is ruled by planet Moon. It brings out the attachment side of this Nakshatra. People born under this Pada are very attached to everything. They also have a high sense of emotions and can make huge wealth.

Rohini Nakshatra Compatibility

In matters of the heart, Rohini natives are drawn to partners who share their love for beauty, creativity, and emotional depth. They are best suited to individuals born under Nakshatras who complement their nurturing and artistic nature, such as Mrigashira, Hasta, and Shravana.

However, Rohini individuals must be mindful of their tendency to become overly dependent on their partners for emotional fulfilment. They should strive to cultivate a sense of inner strength and self-sufficiency, allowing them to create healthier and more balanced relationships.

Rohini Nakshatra in Love and Relationships

When it comes to romance, Rohini natives are passionate, devoted, and deeply caring. They have a talent for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in their relationships, making their partners feel loved and cherished. Rohini individuals are often drawn to partners who share their artistic sensibilities and appreciate the finer things in life.

However, the strong emotional nature of Rohini natives can sometimes lead to possessiveness and a fear of losing their loved ones. They must learn to trust in the strength of their relationships and allow their partners the space to grow and evolve independently.

Rohini Nakshatra in Career and Finances

The artistic talents and aesthetic sensibilities of Rohini natives make them well-suited for careers in creative fields, such as art, music, fashion, and design. They have a natural ability to bring beauty and harmony into the world, and their work often reflects their deep appreciation for the finer things in life.

In terms of finances, Rohini individuals tend to indulge in luxury and may sometimes struggle with overspending. They must learn to balance their love for material comforts with a sense of financial responsibility, setting aside resources for the future and investing wisely.

Rohini Nakshatra and Spirituality

Despite their strong connection to the material world, Rohini natives often feel a deep yearning for spiritual growth and self-discovery. They are drawn to practices that allow them to cultivate inner peace and connect with the divine, such as meditation, yoga, and devotional music.

Rohini individuals may also find great fulfillment in using their artistic talents as a means of spiritual expression, creating works that inspire and uplift others. By aligning their creative pursuits with their spiritual path, they can experience a profound sense of purpose and connection to the universe.

Rohini Nakshatra and Spirituality

Remedies and Recommendations

Here are some simple remedies and mantras according to Vedic astrology for those born under the Rohini Nakshatra who are facing difficulties in life:

  • Chant the Rohini Nakshatra seed mantra “Om Rheem Oum Lrin” at least 108 times.
  • Serve cows in any way you can, such as by feeding them, providing water, or donating to a cow shelter (Gaushala).
  • Assist a sculptor, potter, washerman, or craftsperson in need.
  • Wear more white, cream, or light yellow colored clothing to boost your energy.
  • Donate ghee, utensils, clothes, etc. to a respected Brahmin.
  • Wear a dried Upamarg root around your neck to reduce the inauspicious effects.
  • If you don’t see positive changes after trying these remedies, chant the Rohini Nakshatra Vedic mantra 108 times and perform a Havan (fire ritual) to gain strength and alleviate problems.
  • Strengthen the Nakshatra by wearing white, cream, or light yellow clothes. Remove negative effects through charity, especially by donating fragrance, lotus flowers, sandalwood, incense, a pure ghee lamp, sweets, etc. to a worthy Brahmin.
  • Donate items made with honey, ghee and milk to a Brahmin.

Remember, these are traditional astrological remedies and their effectiveness is a matter of belief. It’s always advisable to approach life’s challenges with a positive mindset and take practical steps to overcome difficulties.


Rohini Nakshatra, influenced by the Moon and Kamadhenu, bestows a nurturing spirit, artistic talents, and appreciation for beauty. Embracing creativity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth, Rohini natives can tap into their divine potential. May Rohini’s light guide us to understand ourselves, appreciate life’s beauty, compassionately care for others, and inspire through our gifts, aligning with the universe’s divine flow.

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