In Vedic astrology chart, each house signifies a vital facet of existence. The 11th house, tucked between the 10th house of profession and the 12th house of surrender, carries its own distinct essence. Known as the house of gains, income, and wish fulfilment, it reveals the fruits we reap from our efforts and the manifestation of our desires.

But the 11th house doesn’t merely deal with material abundance. It also symbolises our social networks, friendships, and group affiliations. The people we surround ourselves with and the communities we participate in greatly shape our trajectory. A well-placed 11th house indicates supportive companions and advantageous connections that can bring opportunities knocking on our door.

This house also sheds light on our engagement with society at large. It signifies how we give back to our community and the influence we wield through collective endeavours or humanitarian pursuits. A prominent 11th house suggests a knack for leading within organisations and rallying others around a shared vision.

Aspects of Life Governed by the 11th House

  1. Career and Income: While the 10th house is the main significator of career, the 11th house represents the gains and profits derived from our profession. A favourable 11th house can bring financial success, bonuses, raises and fulfilment in our line of work. It shows the support we receive from colleagues and professional networks.

    For instance, if someone has a well-placed Jupiter in their 11th house, they may find that lucrative opportunities often come their way through professional connections and teamwork. Their ability to collaborate and maintain positive workplace relationships can lead to increased income and career advancement.
  2. Friendships and Social Circle: The 11th house is the house of friendships. It indicates the quality of our social connections and the types of people we attract into our lives. Planets here can show whether our friends are helpful or draining, loyal or superficial.

    Let’s say someone has a Moon in their 11th house. They may find that they form deep emotional bonds with friends and value nurturing, supportive friendships. Their social circle may include many women or people with strong maternal instincts. These friendships can provide a source of comfort and emotional fulfilment.
  3. Hopes, Wishes and Aspirations: The 11th house represents our hopes, wishes, and dreams. It shows the goals we strive towards and the ideals that motivate us. Planets in this house can indicate the areas of life where we seek fulfilment and the types of aspirations we hold dear.

    For example, someone with Mars in the 11th house may have ambitious goals and a strong drive to achieve them. They may feel a sense of fulfilment when actively pursuing their dreams and rising to challenges. Their aspirations likely involve some element of competition or pioneering new territory.
  4. Gains and Wealth: Beyond income, the 11th house also represents sudden gains, windfalls, and acquisitions. It can show unexpected sources of wealth or resources that come our way through friends, groups or benefactors. Planets here give clues about our relationship with money and material possessions.

    Imagine someone with a strong Venus in the 11th house. They may attract financial favours from friends or have profitable social connections. Money could come to them through the arts, beauty industry or relationships. They may value luxury and enjoy sharing their wealth with friends.
  5. Older Siblings: Interestingly, the 11th house is also associated with our older siblings. The condition of this house and any planets residing here can give insight into the nature of our relationships with our brothers and sisters and the role they play in our lives.
  1. Community, Humanitarianism and Groups: The 11th house signifies our involvement with groups, societies, and clubs. It shows how we connect with our community and the causes we champion. Planets here can indicate our capacity for leadership and influence within organisations.

    Let’s consider someone with Saturn in their 11th house. They may take on roles of responsibility within groups and be drawn to organisations with a structured hierarchy. They could be dedicated and disciplined in their service to the community but may need to be mindful of being too rigid or controlling in group dynamics.

Planets in the 11th House

  1. Sun in the 11th House: Confident and charismatic in social situations. Takes leadership roles in groups. Aspirations involve shining in the public eye. May gain recognition through community involvement.
  2. Moon in the 11th House: Emotional fulfilment through friendships. Nurturing and supportive in social circles. Aspirations involve caretaking and creating a sense of belonging. May form family-like bonds with friends.
  3. Mars in the 11th House: Passionate about causes and goals. Competitive and driven in group pursuits. Aspirations involve pioneering new territory. May take on leadership roles in organisations. Older siblings may be assertive or combative.
  4. Mercury in the 11th House: Communicative and connected in social networks. Exchanges ideas and information with friends. Aspirations involve learning and spreading messages. May join groups related to intellectual pursuits. Older siblings may be talkative or witty.
  5. Jupiter in the 11th House: Expansive social circle with influential and philosophical friends. Gains through goodwill, philanthropy and benefactors. Aspirations involve growth, abundance and higher knowledge. May attract luck and optimism in group settings.
  6. Venus in the 11th House: Harmonious and popular in social situations. Gains through artistic pursuits and pleasant relationships. Aspirations involve beauty, love and harmony. Older siblings may be beautiful or have refined taste.
  7. Saturn in the 11th House: Serious and committed to groups and causes. Gains through discipline, hard work and perseverance. Aspirations involve structure, responsibility and long-term stability. May take on roles of authority in organisations. Older siblings may be strict or distant.
  8. Rahu in the 11th House: Intensely driven towards long-term wishes. Unconventional social circle with unusual characters. Gains through taking risks and colouring outside the lines. Aspirations have a taboo or forbidden quality. May become obsessed with group ideals. Older siblings may be rebellious or unpredictable.
  9. Ketu in the 11th House: Detached from material gains and superficial connections. Drawn to spiritual or unconventional groups. Gains through letting go and simplifying. Aspirations involve liberation and enlightenment. May struggle with a sense of belonging in social settings. Older siblings may be distant or have an otherworldly air.

11th House Lord in Different Houses

  • 11th Lord in 1st House:  The 11th lord in the 1st house suggests that you feel confident and self-assured in social situations, strongly identifying with your friends and social circles. Your personal identity is deeply connected to your friendships and the pursuit of your hopes and dreams. Achieving your aspirations and experiencing gains contributes significantly to your sense of self and overall well-being.
  • 11th Lord in 2nd House: When the 11th lord is placed in the 2nd house, it indicates a potential for financial gains through your social connections and networks. You place a high value on your friendships and actively seek involvement in groups and communities. The influence of your older siblings may have an impact on your self-worth and capacity for material abundance.
  • 11th Lord in 3rd House: If the 11th lord is in the 3rd house, you are likely to be a natural communicator within your social circles. You may frequently engage in short distance travels with friends and acquire gains through your skills and courage. Your older siblings tend to play a significant role in shaping your immediate environment and daily interactions.
  • 11th Lord in 4th House:  The 11th lord in the 4th house suggests that you have a supportive friend circle that provides a sense of familial comfort. Fulfilling your aspirations and dreams is closely tied to your experience of domestic happiness and stability. Gains may come through avenues related to real estate or the nurturing and care of others.
  • 11th Lord in 5th House: Those with the 11th lord in the 5th house often find creative and romantic fulfilment through their social connections. Speculative ventures and a willingness to take chances could lead to gains and wish-fulfilment. Your children may be integrally linked to your friend groups and future aspirations.
  • 11th Lord in 6th House: The 11th lord in the 6th house points to a spirit of friendly competition and teamwork within your daily grind. Your problem-solving skills, especially in work and health contexts, can be a source of gains and success. Pets may feature prominently in your social life and bring a sense of camaraderie and support.
  • 11th Lord in 7th House: With the 11th lord in the 7th house, fulfilment is likely to come through one-to-one partnerships and collaborations. Gains and goal-achievement are favoured through diplomatic, cooperative efforts and the support of close allies. Friends have the potential to develop into romantic partners, and older siblings can significantly impact your relationships.
  • 11th Lord in 8th House: The 11th lord in the 8th house suggests profound, psychologically intense bonds within your friendships and social groups. Gains may unexpectedly arise through inheritances, shared resources, or hidden opportunities within your networks. Your aspirations may involve uncovering secrets or delving into taboo subjects, and sibling dynamics can be complex.
  • 11th Lord in 9th House: Those with the 11th lord in the 9th house often cultivate an expansive, philosophical worldview through diverse friendships. Higher education, long-distance connections, and cross-cultural exchanges can be avenues for growth and gain. Your aspirations may take on a spiritual or philanthropic tone, and your siblings might settle in distant locations.
  • 11th Lord in 10th House: With the 11th lord in the 10th house, your aspirations are strongly linked to your career and public standing. Gains and fulfillment come through leadership positions and professional networks that align with your goals. Your older siblings may be influential figures of authority and achievement in their field.
  • 11th Lord in 11th House: The 11th lord in its own house amplifies themes of social connection, gains, and wish-fulfillment. You may enjoy an abundant, varied social circle and multiple streams of income and opportunity. Your aspirations are plentiful and diverse, and bonds with your siblings can be particularly significant and supportive.
  • 11th Lord in 12th House: With the 11th lord in the 12th house, there may be an air of privacy or mystery around your social life. Gains and dream-fulfillment can come through behind-the-scenes efforts, seclusion, or unexpected spiritual encounters. Your aspirations may be geared towards transcendence and enlightenment, while sibling bonds are karmic and complex.

Final Thoughts

The 11th house in Vedic astrology is a key to understanding our social connections, aspirations, and life’s gains. By looking at the planets in this house and the 11th lord’s position, we can learn about our friendships, goals, and ability to make our dreams come true. 

A strong 11th house brings good friends and chances for success, while challenges here may mean struggles with belonging or reaching goals. Ultimately, the 11th house reminds us that working together with others is how we find the most happiness and achievement in life.

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